Did you know that earlier this year Google starting accounting for the responsiveness of your website in to how your website ranks against other similar websites? Considering the increasing number of mobile views to a website this should come to no surprise but now what do we do to embrace this new change?
Today as website owners and/or developers, we have many tools and frameworks at our disposal. Some of these include the all so popular Bootstrap framework provided to us by the developers at Twitter and the Foundation framework by Zurb just to name two. These allow developers to quickly develop mobile friendly responsive websites based on a 12 column grid system.
If you are so inclined, you can also custom style a responsive design using media queries which allow you to define the screen size that you are targeting and then provide additional css rules for each screen size to allow your site to adapt depending on what screen size it is being viewed on.
Regardless of how to obtain a responsive website, the important takeaway is that it is now even more important that just a good user experience but also how your site ranks over its competitor sites. When performing a Google search on a mobile device, the sites that are considered mobile friendly will rank higher than a comparable website that is not. This doesn’t mean that if your site is responsive and all of your competitor websites are not that you will rank the highest but it does give you an additional advantage when the Google search algorithm is taking your site in to consideration. There are many things to help determine how high your site ranks (ex: paid advertising, backlinks, keyword saturation, content, website optimization, etc.) so any advantage should be taken to help promote your site.
You can located the Google Mobile Friendliness Tool here.
Take our site for example to see the results:
![Marco Web Designs Google Mobile Friendly Test](https://marcowebdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Screen-Shot-2015-10-25-at-10.50.09-PM-660x1024.png)
At Marco Web Designs, we know the importance of responsive design which is why we include this all so important feature for free in every site that we deliver. Contact Us today so that we can start work on your website.